Diablo 3 marauder set dungeon
Diablo 3 marauder set dungeon

diablo 3 marauder set dungeon

Thorgar the Blacksmith Purchase: Scroll (Pride of Aesir) for Thorgar's Recipe Fragment, Thorgar's Notes, Thorgar's Crest. Heart of the Sands (Scourgestone) for Jagged Scourgestone Piece, Shattered Scourgestone Piece, Broken Scourgestone Piece. Petruso the Sandstorm Maniac He is in Sandswept Ruins. Nunu the Cannibal Emote: Cheer Religion: Acolyte of Yog Muriela the Artisan Emote: By Mitra Religion: Acolyte of Mitra Mek-kamoses Emote: By Set Religion: Acolyte of Set Embodiment of The Marauder Set Dungeon Personal Ref Sheet.

diablo 3 marauder set dungeon

Demon Hunter Embodiment of The Marauder Set Dungeon Personal Ref Sheet Rating +1.

diablo 3 marauder set dungeon

Harpagus the Hatcher He is in the Weaver's Hollow. Diablo 4 World Map Builds Create Build Items Immortal Builds Items Maps Model Viewer Paragon Spells Items D3 DI. I expect you are assuming that equipping a 2-handed crossbow makes your off hand unavailable, but Demon Hunters can always equip a quiver, regardless of the weapon. List of non-player characters ( NPCs) you can talk to, some of them will be able to teach you new religion, new emotes, etc.Ĭhild of Jhebbal Sag Recipe: Midnight Alchemist.Įnis The Gobbler (Cook) / Sayd Secretkeeper (Alchemist) You can equip Manticore & Bombardiers Rucksack at the same time.

Diablo 3 marauder set dungeon